Sunday May 07, 2023
Resident / Episode 626 / May 06 2023
Sunday May 07, 2023
Sunday May 07, 2023
1 - Agnes Obel - Familiar (Sebastian Sellares Edit) /
2 - Daesmith & SOL7 - Grandma's Wisdom (Peter Makto Flying Grandma Remix) /
3 - Barych & Vadim Manko - Hernan /
4 - Rudra - Praanik (Diego Berrondo Remix) /
5 - Andy Arias - The Phrygiano /
6 - PAAX (Tulum) - Deep into the mountain /
7 - Erich Von Kollar - Vertical Maze /
8 - Hobin Rude, Nicolas Benedetti - Stand Up /
9 - Chris Cargo - Wide Eyed (Subandrio Remix) /
10 - Kamilo Sanclemente - Elixir (GMJ Remix) /
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